Hey, there! Let me introduce myself. We’ll start with the obvious. My name is Molly. I’m proudly born and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I’m currently a senior at an online high school, which I can even attend from the comfort of my pj’s on a bad day with Lyme. I absolutely love to laugh, smile, to spend time with my family and friends, to write, and watch old Hollywood movies. I’m a peace lover, a compassionate soul who is inspired by the world around her, and a die-hard recycler. {Throw away a plastic bottle in front of me at your own risk!} A good mystery novel can suck me in for a weekend, and yet I’m against violence in the real world. I eat Gluten-free, mostly because I have to and partially because it’s pushed my culinary horizons far more than I ever imagined it could{ and this coming from a life-long foodie!}. I’m entranced by the serenity I can find in the woods, and yet I have Lyme disease. Yes, it’s a shocker. I live with an invisible illness, and as hard as it has been – I’ve seen myself grow and become a better person for it. If people can’t see what I live with, I hope they can see the person I’m striving to become each and every day. But, if you want any more tantalizing tidbits you’ll have to discover them for yourself!



I started this blog after the diagnosis of Chronic Lyme Disease by my doctor on New Year’s Eve, 2008. I jumped at the opportunity to not only chronicle my own progress through this difficult illness, but also to allow others a way follow and support me along the way!


Now, let me tell you my story. It’s long, and painful to remember, but I know it’s got to have a happy ending.


My journey of ill-health began almost 7 years ago, after a car accident shortly after Thanksgiving of 2002. I was in fifth grade, and began experiencing severe vertigo, nausea, trembling, and sound sensitivities several months after I was deemed in fine health after the accident. I walked with a cane, or by holding onto walls around me. The stairs in my house were a major obstacle; they looked like they were miles long to me, simply stretching farther than I could comprehend. I can remember the walls spinning around me while I was lying in bed until I began to feel as if I were going to spin myself…


I left school and spent hours lying in bed or in doctor’s offices. No one had a clear answer for my parents or I of what had happened to me, a seemingly normal girl. They finally agreed that I was suffering from a Vestibular Disorder, finding a 50% deficit causing the dizziness. I went through Vestibular Therapy for months and was slowly able to begin walking down stairs again, turning my head, and getting up and walking around my house. Sure, things still sounded like the volume was cranked up in my head like on a TV, and I had days where I would still tip over after losing my balance, but slowly my life began to slide back towards normal. I attended half days at my middle school and was supported by an amazing group of family and friends.


With a lot of allowances, I was able to begin living again. I couldn’t go to a movie theatre, or go to gym class but I was able to see my friends and stay in school through the rest of middle school.


After starting high school, I began to experience several more odd symptoms. This time they were wide-spread body aches, pains, fatigue, and migraines in addition to my previous symptoms. Once again, the doctors were clueless. But, this time we had our own answer. My mom had been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (FMS) years before, and my symptoms were almost textbook. We found a specialist, and sure enough I passed the exam with flying colors. Now, I had 2 diagnoses.


I was unable to continue attending school, and left, but thanks to some amazing tutors I was able to keep up on schoolwork. I managed the pain, but the more pain I was in the dizzier I became. I was in a vicious cycle of symptoms that had a tendency to feed off of one another. molly_1


I thank God today that we found my current Alternative Medicine Clinic. After discussing my situation, my doctor suggested testing for Lyme disease. My parents and I were in disbelief. Lyme? Really? Lyme can do this? Wait – I never had a rash! Well, yes, it turns out Lyme can do this. It has. And most chronic Lyme sufferers never see a rash. This is a complex and mystifying disease. It’s not fully understood, and there is no specific treatment plan for it, yet.


I began treatment for this debilitating disease on January 1, 2009. It’s been a long, hard journey so far. And it’s not over yet. I’ve got a long way to go. I’m hopeful for the day that I can call myself symptom-free,  for the remission of these infections living inside my body, and for the life I know I have in my future. And I’m grateful for the progress I’ve made so far.


Please, help support me though my journey through the “Lyme-Light” and keep checking back regularly to read my daily musings, updates, and hopefully my progress! I thank you so much, and hope you enjoy the site! Leave me a few comments now and then. Something’s got to keep up my morale… right?


Peace and healing, molly


“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.” ~ Douglas Adams