I think I needlessly say, that loving support and friendship truly mean the world to anyone suffering through a chronic illness. Please, feel free to contact me if there is some way I can help you, be it in friendship, or to answer a question. I’ll try my best to get back to you. We’re all in this together, and I’m thankful for all of those who have reached out to me in the months since I began this blog.


Contact me by E-mail: Lyme-Light [AT] Live [DOT] com


Are you on Twitter? So am I! Check out my feed of “tweets”  in the pane on the right. Or find me, I’m Dizzygrl05.


If you’re a member, please add me as a friend on any of the following online Lyme Disease support groups Lyme Friends, The Lyme Loft, or Lyme Playground. I can be found under the name Dizzygrl.