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Hello, all! You have been such a wonderful support system over the course of the year. So I, of course, find myself turning to you with a request.

I’ve recently begun another blog. This time it’s for school. It’s called Peaced Together and is exploring the overall topic of peace in our lives.

Can you help me? I’m looking for some comments sharing your opinion of what peace is. We all have a different perspective, opinion, and definition peace. I’m gathering them for my project. I’ve created an intro to peace video to get your thoughts churning. You can find the link to it here –

Please, take a few minutes and explore my site. I’m having so much fun creating it. Peace is a passion of mine, and I know that this is fuel in my life for the healing I need.

IP 10-28

I took this photo yesterday at the doctor’s office. {You can find it when you’re exploring Peaced Together by finding the category Peaced Together with a Button.} It spoke to me! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. The receptionist is used to my my quirkiness – she was only slightly confused as to what it was I was doing!

Thank you so very much.

Peace and healing, molly

tea, originally uploaded by type.wright.


I’m feeling grateful tonight. How serendipitous that this popped up in a Flickr search! I truly mean it – Thank you – from the bottom of my heart.

Look for an update as soon as I can pull my fogged up brain out of La La Land.

GEDC2701Yep, that’s pretty much what it feels like these days. I just finished the saliva spit test I was talking about a few weeks ago. My doctor ordered it to test my adrenal glands. She suspects that they might be the cause to some of my all-too-often draining fatigue of late. So we’ll see. I was all set to take the test last week, but then we discovered that I had to be off one of my meds to do it. So, like I said we stopped those and today was the day. I’d been avoiding it all weekend. I couldn’t eat chocolate, onions, or garlic {all of which I of course craved today. It would be the day my dad suggested we have spaghetti for dinner and the day after I made gluten-free vegan brownies. Ughh.} And I couldn’t drink caffeine. For those of you that know me, you’ll agree that that one was a major biggie! I’m a tea drinker, and had to stick to only herbals all afternoon/evening. For the test, I had to collect samples at 4 specific times during the day. So I’m over here mentally throwing myself a party for remembering them ALL and my normal meds to boot. So, not a horrible day but not the most fun. {I hate getting up early. Oh, and gagging too. I hate gagging. But let’s not get into that!}


Otherwise it’s been another crazy, hectic few days since I wrote last. I spent all of last week cramming to finish up my Algebra II and Chemistry classes by Sunday night. I wasn’t able to keep up in the semester-long class so I was given an extension. And then when I realized I was too sick to finish by the end of my extension I was granted permission to complete a quarter credit’s worth of work instead of the full semester. That was a God-send! So it did take me many frustration-filled hours last week. But I finished! I’m so proud of myself. I brought my grade up from an F to an A during that week. My symptoms have really flared up since beginning treatment {of course} and school has been a struggle. For the most part I’m on track, but will be finishing up the other quarter’s worth of work in summer classes to make sure I’m ready for next fall.





This weekend was fun though! After the long week it was wonderful to just chill out and relax when my aunt and uncle came into town for a visit. We went out to dinner Saturday night and had them over for a Mother’s Day barbeque last night. Yesterday during the afternoon my parents and I made it to a special event at the Peace Garden which was so beautiful! I brought my camera along and had a lovely time playing with it and taking some photos.






Then today I started my school day early and completed as much work as I possibly could for the week. Why, you might be asking? Because tomorrow I’m having another spinal tap. Another LP. And then another few days of flat bed-rest afterwards praying I don’t get another spinal headache just in time for my big brother’s college graduation next weekend. I’m not too worried about getting another one. At least this time I know what to expect, and more importantly I know that I’ve gotten through it before without a problem. The more annoying aspect of the procedure is that I have a scheduled 6 hours of bed-rest at the clinic afterwards. So I’ll literally be there until they close. Oh lucky me. So think of me tomorrow morning and wish me a speedy recovery, if you will. GEDC2721


Thanks so much!

And I hope you enjoy the photos I took at the Peace Garden.

Peace and healing, molly

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

Birthday Balloons! Yep, I’m officially 17 now. It snuck up on me, I’ll admit it. I’d forgotten that it was even so soon until last week. (Lyme-brain!) But sure enough, May 4th has come and gone.


I had a wonderful time, however! As my aunt said on the phone tonight, somebody up there gave me the best present. I felt good, almost normal all day until I began to fade around 8 pm before dinner. I woke up later than usual, and plenty sore from all that walking at the Living Green Expo. But, I took the day slowly enjoying every minute of energy and mental clarity. What a joy! I’m so thankful I was able to truly enjoy the day. It was very low-key, but that’s just what I’ve needed lately.


My brothers weren’t able to make it home for the celebration tonight, but Tara did! Before dinner my dad made calamari and mussels bought fresh today. And for dinner we had, as I requested, fresh grilled salmon, asparagus, and my favorite wheat-free noodles. My mom made me a beautiful chocolate gluten-free cake with drizzled chocolate and strawberries for desert. Matt's Flowers


Matt and Becky had flowers sent to me over the weekend since they’re in Peru now. They’re absolutely beautiful! I love getting flowers in the mail! Chris and Tara have promised to take me golfing this summer, which I’m so excited about! I got clubs a long time ago but was never feeling well enough to use them. I’m hoping this summer we’ll find some time when I’m not too dizzy. My parents were generous to give me a new cookbook full of baking recipes, as well as “The Cake Decorating Bible”. Guess I’ll have to practice soon :) They also gave me a book documenting Peace throughout history. It has some amazing pictures and quotes that I’ve seen just from paging through it. I can’t wait to have the time to read it. However, I think I’m the most excited about my new eco-friendly SIGG water bottle! I’ve been coveting all of them I see out and about, and love the “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” design on it. Oh how well my parents know me!


Presents Cards arrived from family in WI and CA, and well wishes were sent to me on Facebook and my Lyme support groups. Thank you So Much everyone, you truly made my day!


As a friend said, “Here’s to a year of healing and wellness!”


Peace and healing, molly

“Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time.”  ~Jean Paul Richter

Ohmygoodness, what an incredible day!! Am I right? I’m speechless, awestruck, inspired, motivated, excited, and oh so emotional all at the same time! It’s been that way all day, and I have a feeling that those emotions are here to stay for a while.


I don’t even know what to say here. I’ve been an Obama supporter for a while now. Politics have always been somewhat of a backstage interest of mine, but when I began reading about Barack Obama and following his campaign, it definitely peaked. Another passion of mine is history; I’ve always loved it and I’ve always wanted to become a part of it. Well, with this election I honestly feel that we have all played an important part in the history of our great country. What an incredible giant leap forward we’ve all taken. I only wish I was old enough to have voted!


But, back to the history.


My mind is boggling at what happened today. It’s odd actually, before President Obama ran for office I had never thought about when a black man would become president. I knew the day would come, it didn’t worry me. I think that’s normal in my generation however.


But, as soon as I began to think about it, and I mean really think about it, I knew it was time. It was time, and we were ready. Our country has opened so many doors today. People all over the world are celebrating with us. I find that not only humbling, but gratifying.


I’m curious to see what this great man will do as he steps into the role of commander-in-chief. All eyes are on him now, and I don’t envy him that. Instead I pray, and yes, I hope that he will indeed be able to calm the troubled waters and bring the change we all so desperately need.


I know I will never forget this moment, this day, or this amazing whirlwind that has caught a hold of our  country in a time when we needed it most. This man has brought the country together, and hopefully he can help us forge ahead in the years to come.


Peace, molly


“Let it be said by our children’s children that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God’s grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations.”  ~ President Barack Obama in his Inauguration speech ( 1/20/08 )

It really is so fitting that today, Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, is the day before one of the most historic days in the history of the United States- the swearing in of the first African American President. Personally, I’m thrilled about tomorrow’s inauguration. I have complete faith in President-elect Barrack Obama.


But, I’ll save that for tomorrow. Tonight I’d like to take a moment to reflect upon Martin Luther King Jr. himself. Reading his “I Have A Dream” speech was perhaps one of my absolute favorite moments in my English class last year. The power, the meaning, and the emotion behind his words truly is immortal. We are forever indebted to him for the changes he helped bring about in our world today.


Last summer I was fortunate enough to be able to take a trip to San Francisco with my brother Matt and my sister-in-law Becky. We spent a day just walking around downtown, picking this street or that, turning here or there. I loved it! My favorite place that we “discovered” was a park that happened to be having an outdoor concert at the time. We sat, and listened for a while and then decided to walk around.


What did we find on the other side? A beautiful fountain. It took my breath away. But, it wasn’t just a fountain. It was a memorial built to Martin Luther King Jr. There was a stone walkway that you could pass under and walk through. On your right were photos and quotes of MLK’s and on your left was the beautiful water falling, seemingly from above your head and simply cascading downwards. As I walked through the tunnel I was speechless. It was such an amazing memorial. Such beauty, and so inspiring.


And so, tonight I’d like to share some of the photos I took of it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

View MLK Memorial

Peace, molly

“No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream.”  ~ Martin Luther King in his “I Have A Dream” speech

Hello again! Ah, what a nice day: Lots to do and accomplish but plenty of time to do it in. Or, that’s how it feels now that I’m done with it all…. I have a feeling that earlier today I would have completely contradicted myself!


 First off, before I forget (*Blog Updates*) I’ve finally added quite a few photos to my Photo Album page! I hope you all take a few minutes to take a look at them. There are some of my favorites in there! I’m still combing through picture files though so I’m not done yet. Just be advised… 


 And, another piece of news for you! Today was my 1 week anniversary. Whew, I made it through my first entire week with Lyme! Time for an update perhaps? Let’s see… I’m not nauseous. Which, is odd actually. The antibiotic I’m taking right now is known to cause nausea. And on top of that I’m normally nauseous from day-to-day because (as I often explain) being constantly dizzy does have that affect upon a person. So, I was expecting to be quite sick to my stomach by now. But no signs of that yet! You’ll hear no complaints tonight from me about that one at least.


As far as my dizziness goes, I have been a bit more than normal I suppose. It’s such a normal state for me now that I don’t notice it as much anymore unless I stop to think about it. Or, something stresses it. But yes, I have noticed it lately. I’ve been a bit more tipsy than I’d like to admit! It’s worse as the day progresses and I get more tired. The more tired I am the more stressed my system gets which only increases all my symptoms. It’s harder now in the winter too because it gets dark so much earlier and darkness makes me dizzy. That’s to do with being less able to gauge where I am in space, if that makes any sense? Basically, I’m unable to judge where I am in the dark because some of my senses are taken away. So, I fall or stagger, or feel like the room is spinning around me. Usually I’m the one spinning though, not the room. But, I’m adjusting to take the extra dizziness into account these days. If worse gets to worse, I can always dig up my old Vestibular Exercises. (Ickky!)


What else is left now? Oh yes: My pain. I’ve had a few slight flair-ups; none of them lasted too long though. My legs are troubling me these days, but no more than usual. I compensate by stealing the easy chair in the living room! It’s so much nicer to work with your legs up, don’t you think? It’s easier on the inflammation too. Gotta love those added benefits. I haven’t had to break out any pain meds recently though, so I’m thankful for that.


Another thing I’m thankful for? I rediscovered my music today! Odd, I know, but it seems that I forgot about it for the past few weeks. I do tend to forget things easily (Fibro fog? Memory loss from my concussion? Or the Lyme. Take your pick.). Anyhow, I found it again today and I’m so happy!


I love music. I have no musical abilities whatsoever myself, but I absolutely love listening to it. Today while I was working I put on my newest “Buddha Bar” CD. Which, if you haven’t heard any of them they’re so wonderfully peaceful! Very calming, and grounding. Then later I found a few old favorites from my library to listen to. There’s not much better than a song that just makes you smile after a long day. Is there?


And, so with that thought in my head and the smile still on my face,

I’ll bid you all g’night!

                peace, molly


“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.” ~ Douglas Adams

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