It’s so hard to gauge where I am in my healing process. And. it’s hard to admit that, too. I’m functioning… to a point. I’m not spending every waking hour on a couch anymore. But I’m not even close to feeling how I wish I were feeling. I like to think that I’m in touch with my body. I have an awareness that it’s taken me years to become comfortable with. Lately, I feel disconnected.

I’m not even sure I can put my finger on a the words to describe how I feel.

At my last LLMD appointment my doctor looked at me and asked me honestly what timeline I had in my mind for continuing treatment. I was quick to say that I didn’t have one. I know that I’ve got years, and years ahead of me before I’m where I need to get. I went untreated for sixteen years. I’d rather not disillusion myself about that.

After some discussion we decided to back down on my treatment. Again. It feels right to me, yet at the same time it’s so absolutely counter-intuitive. My first reaction is to treat the crap out of these infections. The harder and quicker we do that, the sooner my life will be in my own hands again. I’m doing my best to not disillusion myself here, either.

Sometimes it’s just time to walk away. Find the next window to climb through, since doors seem to be barred.

My LLMD uses both traditional antibiotics as well as herbals to treat Lyme. I’ve always used both in my own treatments. I felt that taking the middle road worked for me. It made sense.

Last month I stopped taking the herbal tinctures. I still have supplements galore, but the tinctures were too much for my poor body to handle along with the antibiotics. So for now I’m depending on my three antibiotics to do their job… and I’m doing the best I can to cope with the havoc I feel within me.

I’m having migraines again. They suddenly reared their ugly head last month after about 5 months without them. Needless to say, I was not happy to have them back. When I’m not having a migraine, I’ve got a headache. Always. I have had rashes appear overnight. My abdomen is swollen again. I ache. And I cannot for the life of me stop sweating. (Yes, I  know that’s gross. I also know many people reading this will understand.) Hot sweats, cold sweats – you name it. They won’t stop. It’s incredibly uncomfortable, let me tell you! I can be at home resting, out with friends, or just sleeping, and I’ll break out in a sweat. UGH. On top of that I still haven’t gotten rid of the shakes.

These things could point to toxicity and my body trying to detox it. Or, I could be having a herx. I’m really not sure! My LLMD was worried about neurotoxicity at my appointment. By no means am I an expert… but that just doesn’t sound promising…

My next appointment is in January. Actually, I think this is awesome. My appointment is on 1-11-11 at 11 o’clock. Totally by accident too!! We’ll see what happens then. In the meantime, I’m going to do all I can to help myself make it through the craziness that is the holidays.

Today was actually a great day! I took it easy because last night I went out. I’m SO proud of myself. I managed to take a shower, wash my hair, get dressed, make lunch/dinner, clean my room, and reacquaint myself with my make-up – all before I went out to surprise my brother for his birthday. My sister-in-law arranged for family to meet him at his favorite comedy club for a show, and he had no idea!! It was so much fun! I haven’t laughed that much in ages – and those that know me personally will vouch for the fact that I laugh a lot! I’d never been to a live comedy show, either. So it was exciting :)

I was worried that today I’d be paying for it, but I feel pretty good! I’ve got my normal headache, and I’m a bit dizzy when I stop and think about it. Oh, and those sweats haven’t disappeared. But I was expected much, much worse. YAY!

I woke up late this morning. The house was empty, and peaceful. My whole day was like that. I even felt a huge creative spark this afternoon. I sat down with my beads for hours. It felt so good! I think it had something to do with the fact that today I’m wearing my purple leggings… color always inspires me.

I’m hoping the rest of my week will continue to look up!

Peace and healing,



"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." -Mahatma Gandhi